Comment: Hal Turner is an interesting individual. Not sure all his information is accurate, although recently he has had some significant correct calls. Given with his Updates he is linking to some Mainstream Media sources in addition to his intel sources, we may not wish to dismiss his warning.
Keep in mind, the financial system has been on life support for a long time (Zero Interest Rate Policy, Money Printing, Bailouts, Direct Money Drops to People, etc).
On June 28, 2021, as discussed in the past the Basel III according regulation that gold be valued at 100% in the international banking system has the potential to be very significant. This, at the least indicates that sound money is being recognized to some degree, and maybe indicates the world is moving back to a gold standard. Russia and China in particular have been accumulating for years.
There is a saying: "When all else fails, they take you to war." Are we at that point? Do the powers that be need an event to blame their failures on? The Basel III accord will not make the front page, but a war with Russia surely will. Blame the Russians seems to be a theme of recent years.
Question: The Crimean people voted to join Russia back in 2014. Will we respect democracy and the will of the Crimean people?
At a Deeper Level: Is this all planned by all involved?